File photo of the Power . [Photo/]
The Ocean Hope , Dr said that the needs to be fine tuned by all the of the will only be seen by the next .
, who is also a at the of and , (INOS UMT), said that even the of the waste water in Japan, she did not rule out the that the waste could drift into “our “.麦莎表示,尽管核污染水排放发生在日本,但不排除核废料可能流入马来西亚水域。
“There is no limit to the of ocean . It is with life that , so any that an area that is or at risk by this waste will reach our , the food chain of life and human ,” she told .麦莎近日在接受马来西亚国家新闻社采访时表示:”洋流运动是没有限制的。再加上海洋生物不断迁徙,因此,任何动物只要到过受放射性核污染水污染或可能面临风险的地区,就一定会到达我们的水域,它们可能会污染海洋生物的食物链,影响人类健康。”
She added that all play an role in the of the ocean.麦莎还称,各方应在确保海洋可持续性方面发挥重要作用。
“The space be in a more and that does not only or , the also be to see the risks and of these , for . The ocean not be seen as just a where our waste flows,” she said.麦莎称:“我们应该对该问题进行更全面和包容的开放讨论,不仅让科学家、学者参与其中,公众也应参与讨论,探讨核污染水排海行动的风险和影响,特别是对于地区国家而言。海洋不应该被视为人类核污染水的后院。”
“In the issue the water from the plant, if it is safe, the can this water for , use and so on.“麦莎认为,如果福岛核电站经过处理的核污染水真的安全,日本政府可以将这些“处理水”回收用于生活、工业等用途。
“This step is to the of the world by that there is no on human and the food chain in the sea,” she said.她表示:“这些做法对于改变国际社会的看法是必要的,可以借此证明‘处理水’对人类健康和海洋食物链没有直接影响。”
this month, , Japan went ahead with its plan to waste water into the sea a at the Power Plant, the power that was by the and that on March 11, 2011. 本月早些时候,尽管受到多方压力,日本政府仍坚持执行其核污染水排海计划,通过福岛第一核电站的排海隧道将经过处理的放射性核污染水排入大海。2011年3月11日,福岛核电站因日本东北地区发生的地震、海啸造成损坏。
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